Ginny's Safe House provides a full circle of services for domestic violence victims, as well as human trafficking victims, and sexual assault victims. We serve men, women and children of all ages and types of violence and abuse.
Our advocates serve Spink, Hand, and Faulk counties in South Dakota.
Ginny's Safe House provides shelter for anyone escaping all forms of abuse and their dependents with no income eligibility standards. The safe house shelter in Redfield houses seven beds for up to ten crisis victims from Spink, Hand, and Faulk Counties. All services at the shelter are free of charge to survivors and their families. We help survivors replace important I.D. paperwork (e.g., birth certificates, social security cards, etc.). The center will also provide up to $1000, per client per year, in emergency relocation assistance.
We are advocates that educate the community and assist victims in finding attorneys, obtaining protection orders, attending court with them and working with law enforcement. We help victims find jobs and housing to work towards independent living by offering referrals. We work as medical advocates by accompanying victims to the hospital when obtaining medical assistance for injuries or sexual assault. Ginny's Safe House is an extension center for the Salvation Army. What do community based advocates do? Community-Based victim advocates provide free, confidential and non-judgmental emotional support, information, community program referrals and guidance following a sexual assault. The victim is usually more cooperative and better able to respond to procedures when feeling supported, believed and safe. Advocates offer information, options, and supportive assistance in navigating the healing and justice processes. Advocates can accompany a victim/survivor in nearly all parts of the response—providing support during medical forensic exams, law enforcement interviews, as well as going through the court processes, and providing aftercare. Advocates focus their efforts on validating and supporting a victim/survivor in all their choices. There are two types of advocates—community-based and systems-based. The primary difference between the two is the nature of communications and confidentiality protections. Community-based advocates typically work in an independent, community-based advocacy or nonprofit organization. They provide comprehensive services to victims, regardless of whether they choose to report the crime and participate in the criminal justice process. Community-based advocates also provide services before, during and after a criminal case. Services are also available when there is no criminal case at all.
We serve survivors by transporting them to job interviews, appointments, and anywhere they need to go. We offer emergency transportation for anyone in a crisis situation. We also assist with fuel and other transportation expenses to survivors in need.
We refer survivors to Northeastern Mental Health and Three Wise Women Counseling Services. Ginny's Safe House will pay for therapy for survivors for up to one year.
Ginny's Safe House will provide clothing directly to survivors who stay in the shelter, and we will refer survivors to the Good Samaritan Center for clothing needs as well. These services are at a minimal cost to survivors.
All food expenses are covered for survivors and their dependents while staying in our shelter. We refer survivors not in shelter to the Good Samaritan Center where food is available at no cost.
Our Executive Director and/or our Rural Advocate will present to your organization on domestic violence and sexual assault anywhere in the tri-county area at no charge. We bring awareness to help prevent acts of abuse and violence by speaking to church groups and civic organizations in the three counties. We present programs in all seven of the schools in our tri-county area to teach awareness of bullying and safe dating to 8th graders and safety when starting college to high school seniors.
605-472-0508 We are committed to providing services to victims in our three-county area by answering crisis calls 24/7, doing follow ups with victims, giving them referrals, and maintaining the shelter safe house in Redfield, South Dakota. The Hotline is 605-472-0508. Our office number is 605-302-0166. Please use that for any day-to-day questions, offers of donations, or business questions. THE CRISIS LINE IS FOR VICTIMS IN CRISIS is 605-472-0508; this number is answered 24/7.
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© 2024 Ginny's Safe House